28 September, 2006

I'm A Country Boy...So?

This post is inspired by ‘so-what’ series written by Ammu. The earlier one is I’m depressed…so what?

I was born and brought up in a small-time town. I am proud to be country boy who see value in life.


My town had no big shopping malls, no big multiplexes, no discos, and no coffee-bars. But it had a lively set of people. It is a no nonsense town. It had enough wealth to sustain agriculture based economy. It had enough schools to bring the best talented kids to forefront. Besides it had plenty of natural entertainment spots like lake, beaches, lush-green paddy field and lovely people.


Our thoughts on people, friendship and relationships are more towards commitments. We, small town people, never know how to hang out on bars with friends forever and also run off from his problem.

We will never learn to live in same neighborhood and still live like the neighbor is non-existent living being. We don’t treat anyone as our enemies. We will never learn to see bad character in others. We are country boys for whom all will think good and all deeds will be good.

We will never learn to run off from the place when someone needs help. We learn to live as a big society and we will never learn to go to cosmopolitan style clubs in cities.

We will never learn how to go behind a girl, flirtings are strictly no-no. But we know how to be sensible in relationships and how to be polite to girls.

Read more!


Jeevan said...

The people in the Citys have to learn more form country boys. Its best to visit the lake, fields, pumpset, riding on the bull cart except going to clubs, malls...

Nirek said...

lol...thanks jeevan for supporting! Yep life is more lively in villages than in cities!
people become more selfish and money minded in cities...:(

Anonymous said...

Hello Country Boy,

So know something abt Country Liquor, Country bomb, Country Language?

I hope you aren't a Country Brute!! >:O)

> Our thoughts on people, friendship
> and relationships are more towards
> commitments. We, small town people,
> never know how to hang out on bars
> with friends forever and also run
> off from his problem.

Shoud be tempting for some people. Good point.

> We will never learn how to go
> behind a girl, flirtings are
> strictly no-no.

Is that so? Real Country Men would certainly disagree.

Nirek said...

@silent H...
country bomb, brute..liquor....romba rhyming nakkals...:)
flirting are really urban affair...def out of small towns. are u from city life or village life? do u agree with that or diagree with flirtings topic?

I hope u dont have flirtings story in ur past life?

Nirek said...

@silent H...
Hope that good point is seen by required people! :)

tulipspeaks said...

hey.. thanks for setting up another series similar to mine. interesting point here. i grew up in an oil-palm estate myself. like u, there were no nonsense around and even eating KFC was a yearly affair. but im proud of what i am. gosh...so many stories to write about my estate life. will come up with a post on this one soon.


Nirek said...

lovely. will wait to hear your stories from country side...I too have a great memories abt this small town!