22 September, 2006

How to teach Email to kids?

I am working on planning of teaching email to kids. This is for computer workshop which we conduct for kids from Ananya. This activity is part of Dream A Dream computer program. The intended audiences are kids with ages ranging from 10 to 16. The topic of the workshop is "Email- Basics". The session also includes creation of email address for all kids. The basic aim is to impart the basics of email to kids in an interesting way. The secondary aim is to make them realize the importance and advantages of emails. The session is for one and half hours and each volunteer has to teach for two kids personally. As a team, we had a discussion before on this. I prepared a PowerPoint presentation on the topic, which basically aimed to help volunteers in taking the concept further. Now baton is over to you folks. Feel free to post your feedback, comment and advices.Pls.

I have tried to embed the powerpoint file in this post. If i'ts not working in other browser, try opening the blog in IE.

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Nirek said...

Is it kamal nathan, CIT ECE senior?
Anyways welcome to my blog world

ohh...the session wasn't that cool as i had imagined. Explainin them the necessity of the emails is reall really tough for us.
ohh forget to say, these kids are from economically underprivileged background.....ananya is nonformal school for kids who wants to read but couldnt do becos of economic situation..

they r mainly street stary kids who lost interest in this formal education, but now wants to learn

Jeevan said...

Wonderful take Satu! Every child should know about the latest technology and its use.

Nirek said...

the session wasn't that easy as i thought...semma tough to teach the necessity of email at first place :(
but good we spoke abt emails to them, so that they could relate to it later in their life!