Reizender Geburtstag
My roomies are celeberating my birthday for two consecutive days. They had thought my birthday to be on May 8. Planned a lot when I was not in home on 7th evening, bought birthday cake and candles. I was totally surprised when frens were waking me at 12 at night on may 8. I had to clarify that that's not my birthday. so their operation birthday party happened to be a well planned one, but executed on the wrong day. ...yut loved that. That was a different surprise this time. Hilarious part was when my roomie trying to convince me that it was my birthday night. cho chweet. We had a boisterous laugh that night for the unintentional faux pas.
Had a great bash in office now. Mine is the first birthday party we are celeberating after the company's birth in bangalore. so special day for my frens to freak out in office too. Birthday song, cakes and drinks and ofcourse banterings. Its been a lovely celeberation with new office frens to remember for long time. Everybody wants me to open mouth and speak atelast today. Though i am not reserved guy, but I am yet to break the new-boy image with the office frens. Somehow yet to share the close kinship. I was concentrating on work for a while, blame that for time being.
Yet to catch my frens for dinner. Will write more on birthday celeberation later. Btw, title is german translation of "lovely birthday"
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happy birthday, hope u had a wonderful year
@vatsan. thanks a lot buddy!
btw, i read ur blogs on election coverage by news channel, loved all the critiques.
great going!
satu...everything is for you man...remember this forever....hahahah!
@gp. thanks a lot. Am i so spl?
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