17 June, 2007

The Juno

I intend to create a pet robot dog (similar to famous Juno). It looks like an interesting hobby 'pet' project. Will keep you posted if I make some progress in the same.

The basic requirements for Juno are:

walk atleast 10kms/h speed
walking companion
whack tails, bark, play, sleep and drink milk like a cute dog.
looks similar to pug

speech recogonition
speech synthesiser
reply simple questions, intelligent replies (advanced features)

image reconginition
danger recognition, swift reflex action
identify owner and follow him

play with kids
automatic charging intelligence
automatic learning intelligence
take wireless inputs
can be programmable

Read more!


Anonymous said...

> automatic charging intelligence

This is funny. :) When it realizes, its running low on power, it wud rush to a nearest power outlet & might sit quiet while wagging its tail.

When you are done, give it to me for beta testing. >:O)

SeePearrl said...

voww...wat a cute puppie!