07 January, 2006

CAT prodigies!

  • My college mate Srivatsan got 99.99 percentile in CAT. He is too good in english(100 percentile) and DI(99 percentile), missed out a bit in Quans. He deserves IIM admission indeed. Best wishes bro! you always inspires fellow CIT-ians. Btw, he got 2310 out of 2400 in GRE and 570/577 in TOEF in 2001. A prodigy ofcourse, isnt he?
  • Angana Jacob. I heard she got all 6/6 IIM calls. Go gal! Best wishes. You are a great gal and your motivation deserves much more. Best wishes!

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Unknown said...

The comment in a previous post was inspired by the false info provided by Mr.Bharathi

Nirek said...

@jayan, are u talking abt body suresh marriage comment... btw howz bharti?