This personality test results summarises me better! Found it interesting
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William J. O'Neil, the global investment guru invented a strategy 'CANSLIM'. This is an acronym to identify the star stocks. When i came across this concept in Brand Quest quiz, I wasn't surprised. Management field is always flushed with acronyms and acronyms :-P . But the idea looks very simple. This is to analyse Penny stocks
[+] C - current earnings growth,
Screening Parameter: EPS Growth Qtr vs. Qtr >= 18%
[+] A - Annual growth
Screening Parameter: EPS Growth Year vs. Year >= 25%
Screening Parameter: 12-Month EPS: Cont. Ops. >= 1.00
Screening Parameter: Latest Fiscal EPS >= $0.50
Screening Parameter: ROE 5-year average >= 5%
[+] N - New high,
Screening Parameter: Last Price >= 0.9*52-Week High
Screening Parameter: Last Price >= 0.8*5-Year High
[+] S - Supply and demand of stocks
Screening Parameter: Shares Outstanding <= 25 million
[+] L - Leader in industry
Screening Parameter: 12-Month Relative Strength >= 80
[+] I - Institutional ownerships
Screening Parameter: % Institutional Ownership >= 5%
Screening Parameter: % Institutional Ownership <= 35%
[+] M - Market direction
Dont play in a weak market (Best of the world advice... :-) )
Here in India, few people give investment advice based on CANSLIM.
Few business deals which caught my attention. These are worth to watch out for its success in future.
[+] Sivasankaran (Aircel) bought 65.4 percent equity stake in Barista, the coffee-pub chain from Turner Morrison for mere Rs.30 crores. He exits ISP field with no-profit, no-loss. He sold Dishnet DSL for Rs.270.
[+] Deccan chronicle bought the odyssey, the retail chain in chennai. Odyssey has three stores here. They are onto life style retailing. Now odyssey has included cafe in their units and expanding rapidly in chennai
[+] RPG group to launch Spencers hypermarket stores. Hypermarkets are similar to Sam's club (WAL- MART). RPG re-introduced spencers brand for these ventures. You might be aware RPG has Food world chain of retail stores in India. RPG's organized retailing started with one-store in one-city style. Foodworld opened a center in chennai. Now it has 89 stores. Revenue estimates are at Rs.750 crores. I heard about few RPG ventures, but the list is surprising. Few great brands are part of RPG kit. Ceat tyres (flagship co.), RPG, Zensar Technologies, Food world, spencers', Music world, Health & Glow, sare-gama, ...
The first step in business could be a specialised product in unexplored market. This is principal of entrepreneurship driven business model. Identify a concept and believe in its potential. Live through this vision.
[+] Recently I heard about a business on domestic and industrial spike and lightning arrestors. Work includes design and installation. Market varies from all major industries. Surge protectors are mandatory in Telecom & IT. Concept in unheard of and unexplored. Few market leaders in world and it is near monopoly market in India. Revenue will be of few crores.
[+] My uncle is onto Fire alarm panel design. Well, he is one of early bird in the market. Now his fire alarm design are widely used all across India. Indian standards for fire alarm panel are recently framed with major inputs from him. Wow! what a way to lead an industry!
[+] Early birds always get a untold advantage in industry. Telecom in India saw a consolation phase where all early birds exit the business with high returns. This paved way for Airtel, Idea, Hutch market leadership. Sivasankaran (Aircel) comes to my mind when i think about winner of telecom race.
Mindmap on business thoughts! I believe in speaking more on vision makes things happen. This is my first attempt to conceptualise the sublimed thoughts on building business empire!
Excited to see answer keys given by T.I.M.E today evening. My revised scores as per this key is quans 7 // Verbal 16.67 // DI 16.67 Total 40.33
But my scores as per IMS answer key still stands same Quans 7 // Verbal 4 // DI 16.67 Total 27.67
Dunno what to comment about this discrepancy?!! Verbal section was tricky this time, that even answer keys produced by 2 centres are not consistent.....What will be my final score? Today i have slight hope of CAT!
And now this. Just 90 questions. While questions have been heading southward, no one expected a sub-100 number of questions. What next ?? Just 10 question in CAT ? This, in our opinion, was not a test for the weak hearted. Hole your hears, the cut-offs would not be very high. List of surprises: 1. 60 two markers ????? 2. Negative marking scheme declared. 3. Just 90 questions. Looking at 90 questions only, it was obvious tat the paper will not be easy. And definitely not Verbal and RC. Section wise Analysis: Quantitative Section : The overall pattern was fairly interesting, with 6-7 relatively easy questions in the 1 marker variety and another 6-7 in the 2 markers. 16-17 for a 98 plus percentile. 14 – 15 for a 93 plus percentile, which would also be the cutoff for most IIMs. A score of around 12 would get you 85 + percentile, which would be for calls from other B-schools. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension : What a VA and RC. Just 30 questions would make people feel that they would attempt them all. But the answer options in RC were very close and some of the verbal questions were unanswerable. A score of 25 + would be good. Most people would attempt around 35-38 marks worth of questions and hence the cutoff is likely to stand at last years level. Cut-off would be around 22 + and a score of 25 will be 98 plus percentile, and 22 at 93 percentile, sufficient for call from the.for IIMs and a score of around 18 would give you a 85 plus percentile. Data Interpretation : A blood bath must have ensued in DI. The ten 1-markers alone would have taken 20 minutes to answer, as one of them was calculation intensive (area under cultivation) and the other was very logical (average ages). If a student answers these 10 and manages to attempt a few 2 markers, he would sail through. Our expectation is that the cut-off in DI would be very low. So a 15 would get you 98 plus percentile, and 12 would get you a 92 plus percentile, which would be sufficient for IIM cut-offs. A score of 10 would be required for 85 percentile. Overall: Not a great paper by any standards. A huge let-down. The IIMs could have done much better. A very intimidating paper. Overall Cut-offs 55 plus for all 6 IIM calls, given sectional cut-offs are met. 50 plus for 1-2 IIM calls, maybe more. This would correspond to 98 percentile. A score of around 42-43 would be sufficient to get 90 percentile, and get calls from top B-schools affiliated to CAT. Keys available in few links Career Forum TIME IMS TCY Online My Approx score Quans 7 DI 16.67 Verbal 4(as per IMS Key) 13.33(as per TIME key) Dunno!! Courtesy- Career Avenues & Present CAT-2005 Analysis By News Service Published: November 20, 2005
Tommorrow (November 20th) is CAT exam day ( for PGDM in IIM, India). [+] I extend my best wishes and greetings for all those who appearing for CAT this year [+] to look for: CAT always has a element of surprise in pattern of test. It is not a static exam, always evolving YOY. [-] CAT is one which always comes with a debate " Is competition exams are necessary evil"? CAT is one of interesting and tuffest exams in India. [+] I would write tons and tons of article on CAT, as i have read many for past 7 months. I started CAT prep on april 2005. This is my first and hopefully final attempt on CAT. I did full time CAT training in IMS India. The SIMCATs are mock CAT exams conducted by IMS. Refer my previous blog for my performance in those SIMCATs [+] For starters, CAT is an aptitude test evaluates the candiate on Verbal ability, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Ability. CAT is the first phase in MBA admissions in India. IIM, the presitigious managment institutes in India are conducting CAT exam each year. Always scheduled on November 3rd sunday. Its test on time management skills.
Again Best Wishes and Prayers for all those appearing for CAT this year! Lets bell the CAT!
David ogilvy, father of advertisement world, dont require an introduction. Started with no clients in 1948,ogilvy adagecny has now worldwide presence. Truly impressive!
Here are few Ogilvyism on Hardwork
Hard Work
I figure that my staff will be less reluctant to work overtime if I work longer hours than they do.
I believe in the Scottish proverb: "Hard work never killed a man." Men die of boredom, psychological conflict and disease. They do not die of hard work.
Agencies which frequently work nights and weekends are more stimulating, more successful - and more profitable. A tight ship is a happy ship - provided it is an informal ship.
Ogilvy's latest SBI ads with "surprisingly SBI" caught my attention.
Which bank has largest number of ATMs?
which bank has more customers than population of Australia?
Creative ads to promote the Big daddy of Indian Banking- State Bank of India.
Dr.Ruben Rausing made his people to look beyond the obvious. It brought out an idea which changed the food processing world upside down. The perishables like milk are now pakced with by hygenic tetra pak than glass bottles or cheap packaing. The first packages are in tetra-hedron shape, hence named as Tetra-pak. These are called Tetra classic now. (Tetrapak classic is market leader in Mexico).
Facts & Figures
Revenue about US $ 8.8B
1- presence in 165 countries
2- packages delivered 160Billion
3- >20K employees
TetraPak Research Labs Estd 1951
Product: Tetrabrik 1959
Carton and Plastic coating
ManufacturerL Tetra Pak, Sweden
The above two tetra pak designs are exhibited in Museum of Modern Art, NY with title " Inspired design that make life easier, safer and more fulfilling"
Rajat Gupta's article on Need for Indian Entrepreuners,
The issues addressed are Right environment, skills include management knowledge/talent, availability of seed fund, social sharing. Having a killer idea is the starter for Entrepreuner driven business model. Sabeer bhatia and host of other indians in silicon valley proven this.
The nurturing environment like silicon valley is necessary. VCs gets attracted to placed where entrepreuship sustains. Entrepreuners wants a place with abudance of financial support from VCs. Its a classical chicken-and-egg problem. This is a yet to reach a tipping point.
Host of silicon valley banks are working as consortium to bangalore to develop entrepreunrs in IT. I am still looking for club or website where entrepreurship thinktank exists. If you know any one, do keep me posted.
UK's food retailer sainsbury brought its outsourced IT operation from Accenture to back-in house. Earlier,Sears Roebuck & co broke the US$1B IT contract with Computer science corp. Last year, JP Morgan chase and IBM part away with IT outsourcing deal. Deloitte consulting's recent survey indicated two third of respondents said that they have brought some outsourced IT work back in-house. The reason for this: Companies started viewing IT as strategy to regain control. sainsury wanted its IT back for gaining competitive advantage and JP Morgan too had similar reason. The Channel Insider
In India, Mobile phone garners 70Million subscribers. And a crazy sum of 3 Million new subscribers gets added every month. The current telecom growth is from rural sector rather than urban population. The sub-2k band mobile is the necessary tipping point to keep this growth rate. Nokia is a market leader with a whopping 75% market share, way ahead of motorola, samsung, sony ericsson. In sub-2k band, none are yet to emerge as clear leader. Nokia has 3 models below 3000, samsung boss and Motorola C138 are also in fray. The next 6-12 months will answer the question "Who gonna win sub-2k band telecom market". Infineon came up with <1000 Rs single chip solution for mobile phone. Nokia's mobile phone with this chip is expected to be afloat within a year. This is expected to bring down the minimum cost phone to Rs.1500-1600. Worth watching out!
She is a journalist, spear headed efforts to bring out 1992 Harshad mehta Capital market scam She worked with Indian Express. Identify Her!