Software Easter Eggs
Easter eggs are interesting goodies packed with software distributed, but hidden and undocumented. Microsoft excel 97 has a flight simulator embedded in it and Microsoft word 97 has pinball game embedded and hidden in it. Easter eggs are bundled with software for entertainment purpose and for adding personal signature.
If you use Linux vi editor, type :help 42. then you can see "meaning of life?" ;)
What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? *42*
Douglas Adams, the only person who knew what this question really was about is
now dead, unfortunately. So now you might wonder what the meaning of death
There is this website which lists hosts of them.
The corporate who market these software rarely take it in light sense. There was once a famous reported case, the engineer working on the development of the product got pissed off by the client's pressure. To vent his frustration, he added an Easter egg which pops up and say "that X company sucks!". Unfortunately during software adoption phase of the software, the client's found out this Easter egg. Then what happened is no-brainer.
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hey bro! I love easter eggs...theres one in matlab too...
I like the artistic Easter Eggs!
This is the saddest video I've seen. You can actually see the neck falling to the side, saying, he's gone...
Thanks for the site!
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