28 July, 2006

Don't misuse media power!

Media has enormous power over people. But this is clear case of media blowing up a stupid issue. NDTV correspondent stationed at PM's residence reported at 8:45 PM on 27th July, that there was "A security breach in PM's house". NDTV started airing the related developments till people got pissed off with whole episode and shutdown the TV. Initially, me and my fren got enthused on hearing those catchy headlines at 9 PM news. The news was: Two girls and a guy drove in till second gate of PM's residence without prior appointment. The reporter argued that no one should be allowed to enter that zone without prior appointment or ID card. If SPG frisks and pisses off these reporters daily with their detailed secuiruty checks, even if media persons carry a valid ID card from the government, "How can they allow those guys in sonata?"
Yeah, there was a lapse in security, but definitely it is not a big issue to blow up and sensitise. They have wasted a helluva lot of airtime in broadcasting the video clips and interview with the girl on the car repeatedly. Later, some retired SPG person came on air in NDTV to confirm that this is a secuirty breach. Bargha datt was sent to place of incident in that late night to collect more info. Some more reporters put in action to contact PMO. Besides the whole 10 PM news time, was wasted in speaking about this issue again and again. NDTV tried to track those youngsters later in that midnight. What not? All sort of idiotic coverage over an useless issue. Isn't it a height of stupidity?? Folks, stop misusing media power.

Read more!


Anonymous said...

Well said! A better equivalent in Print is TOI. I remember it doing the same with MMS episodes & Wardrobe malfunction.

Nirek said...

yeah TOI is only MASALA newspaper! I browse thru TOI here in bangalore daily, never find anything big and worthy readign in it. Its meant for people who see only pictures. yuck!

Nirek said...

@EM...welcome gal! ennada innun vambu arambaikiliyenu parthen. ;)
To..ranjhith...Hope you have got ur reply ready for EM.

here is mine:
TOI is first class paper---but in masala standards. "one of the good newspapers known to me. " Guz u dont read any newspapers other than TOI at all ;)
NDTV is not at all a bad channel. I diagree with your statement. but the problem is, they tend to blow up some stupid issues just to maintaint TRPs for the channel. Even tho this news is worst one, it got enough publicity, mostly negative only.
1. the second gate of PM's house has reception. if i have to meet PM, i have an appoinment, isn't it. the reception desk in second gate is where i will get that appointment. if that is the case, whats wrong in security allowing this folks
2. u shd see angr and vendetta in that reporter's face and kindal smile in vishnu som's face when he was reading that news. that reporter should have got harrased by the PM securities before, he want to make a fuss abt it and blown the fuse. vishnu som can't control his laughter while reading the news in that night news coverage. he knows that it is stupid thing to talk abt...but what to do....u need some masala like this to attract poor viewers

Our PM is safe. TPG and STF are great force that will take care of securities of important VIPs in India. This is undoubtedly a worst media coverage on any issue. did you notice that police let away those guys after small interrogation on next day. there is nothing wrong in any of their action or intention, just becos it was blown up like that....police has to respond to show their presence

Ranjhith said...

EM lauds, "TOI is def. one of the good newspapers known to me."

This is the news that TOI would love put-up as headlines. Thats their std (not first std).
I'm happy to join Satheesh to feel sorry about ur presumptions. <:o(

Nirek said...

TOI is not at all a useful paper. they r like thina thanthi in tamil. they write abt some stupid stories, some useless stuffs, prints all pages with color photos of film actors. just masala...
definitely TOI will carry ur testimonial in tomorrow's newspaper ;)

Nirek said...

take a look at this.
do you think its worth to be in headlines.
TOI puts this link becos they want cheap publicity....utter stupidity!

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ see Most read column there.

Anonymous said...


Please see yesterdays's TOI (Hyd edition) here: http://epaper.timesofindia.com/
Do not see the supplement, just the main paper & just only the photographs published. U'll realize how sub-std (infact good >:O) it is.

Today's Headlines from their paper:
1. RAGGING LEADS TO BLOODBATH - First-Year Hotel Management Student Stabs Two Seniors To Death. (in Bold Big Font - Top Story)
2. Rogue buffalo kills 2 women, shot dead (Centre column >:O)

Their supplemen's are more crappier. Some example headlines:
1. Kim shows Shamita the finger!
2. Is Tabu involved with Nagarjuna?

Nirek said...

@Ranjhith, wow. thats good homework u had done. TOI is bullshit. we can write a column against it in our blog, got so much against that paper.
EM...where is ur reply? u call this great standard

Nirek said...

wow. in argument, we defeated a legend. thats really a feather in our cap!
yes EM, i get TOI in my house here in bangalore. only if i read that paper, i can scoff it right?! its a worst newspaper in the world