17 July, 2006

Are Internet service providers blocking blogs?

I couldn't stop laughing at this act of stupidity by few ISPs. If it is under directive of any government, it is highly condemnable. I was able to access my blog till today afternoon. Later in the day, any access to blogspot goes into timed out mode.
[+] Rediff story on this.
[+] Sticky blog update on this issue from http://www.withinandwithout.com/?p=854 and desipundit
[+] If you can't access my blog, use the http://www.pkblogs.com and tweak the link accordingly. or via proxy (http://www.hidemyass.com/), and see if you can access.
[-]  When I try to access my blogspot directly, here is the message i get.
The connection has timed out   
Try Again.
Update on 21 July 2006, 6 PM
Hurray! The blockade is out!   Now blogs are back in full swing.

Read more!


Anonymous said...

Hoo! I'm not aware of this at all! We have VSNL & no blocking so far! >:O)

Nirek said...

Yeah, this stupid thing is continuing today also...
dunno how long it gonna last?

gP said...

satu, heard that it will be lifted soon. any updates nanba?

Nirek said...

@Gp...Its yet to be lifted! Dunno how long they will take to remove it....
selective banning of those blogs will be quite challenging for these ISPs.

R Girls said...

@yeah read abt this ...stupditiy.

Nirek said...

absurd stupidity!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » »