26 April, 2005

The Hindu : Business : Kingfisher Airlines takes delivery of first Airbus

The Hindu : Business : Kingfisher Airlines takes delivery of first Airbus Check out the Auspicious date Kingfisher chosen to Launch its airlines! May -9 ....Its my DOB ;))

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13 April, 2005

BYODKM.net - A Mac Mini Enthusiast Network

BYODKM.net - A Mac Mini Enthusiast Network BYODKM -Bring your own display, keyboard and Mouse. Mac Mini is a BYODKM -Steve Jobs,CEO, Apple Inc Quite interesting computer! 2 inches high- similar to Laptop. Open firmware to allow any keyboard , display and mouse. Great!

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11 April, 2005

Coimbatore Institute of Technology

CIT Coimbatore Institute of Technology Official website of my Almamater CIT

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